Monday, March 31, 2008


This is our first attempt at tie dying. So original hey. My sister Lana went on to do bigger and better tye dying but this was where I stopped

Sunday, March 30, 2008

cutest dog in the world on dog quilt

I don't how he does it but if there is a quilt on the floor for however long of time - bang there is a dog on it. This is my dog Terry on a dog quilt which I made and donated to our local hospital.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

ARGO ARGO ARGO what have we here

This is a picture of my husband's argo (eight wheel thingo) that he has only recently sold (and I never got to drive in it - but if your saw the way my son and him drove it you would know) We live in northern NSW and the thing has gone all the way to the Darwin - a long long long way.

Friday, March 28, 2008


This quilt was made by three sisters for our fourth sister Nancy - other other sister Cath did nothing (well she doesn't sew so maybe will let her off this one time) . It turned out great and she loves it. That is Rainie's cat Cinda on the quilt - work it out dogs and cats love quilts.

My Gadget

My son Gadget, living far far away in deepest darkest Mackay - he is getting on great with HIS life. I still miss him some - I also have to stop cooking some much dam food as he is not here to eat it or to eat the left overs. Well you you gotta live and learn

Thursday, March 27, 2008


This is a skull shape made out of buttons - when I get it back I might make it into a bag (I accidently left it at my sister' s place - bet she kept it on purpose